A View from office in 2009

Here is view out my office window taken with an iPhone and posted via an iPhone. Typing is tricky with the virtual keyboard, but manageable. I wrote this about two years ago and only found the draft on my phone today. This must have been originally done on version 1 of the WordPress iPhone App. It had been stored as a draft page for my blog that’s why it never got posted. In a post yesterday I noted how much the App has improved over time so  the opening couple of sentences reflect an older clunkier version.  I was also just coming to grips with my first iPhone a 3GS.

Window View
Looking into the courtyard

All Japan Day Glenelg

AJDYesterday there was a gathering of Japanese cars at Wrigley Reserve in Glenelg. There were both old and new Japanese motor vehicles of all sorts. From the rare and exotic GT 2000 through to old bluebirds and the inevitable collection of four-cylinder turbocharged cars. It was a great turnout on what was a truly lovely sunny Adelaide day. The day certainly flies in the face of what is now the popular perception of young boys or indeed men with fast cars. It was quiet and good-natured day no wheelies or burnouts or impromptu drag races in the surrounding streets. Instead the evidence of lots of money is lavished on these cars. Many of the vehicles had crowds of young men about them all discussing what had been done to the cars will be used for and what the net purchases going to be. And of course the younger wannabes looking at hoping that they too will one day be able to wheel vehicle out on this reserve. Continue reading “All Japan Day Glenelg”

Pelicans Observing Me – Scary


Pelicans Observing me

Originally uploaded by exrorro

I saw this photo on flickr. It is great I have never seen a pelican up so close; let alone two at such close quarters. I had a close encounter with a largely tame Pelican in Mykonos last year and now wish I had taken some up close and personal pics like this. They remind me of the alien birds in the old Warner Brothers cartoons from the 1950’s. Just great. I guess its just a matter of being in the right place at eh right time. Any way if you click on the photo it will take you to flickr.com and the profile of the photographer.
For hose who don’t know where Mykanos is click here

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