Sun and Shadow by Åke Edwardson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Well this is first I have read of Åke Edwardson’s Inspector Winter series. I was rather annoyed when I discovered that this is the third in the series. I like to start at the beginning of a series. Enough rant, as the title suggests there us light and dark in this tale. The dark of a Swedish winter and the light of Spain. The light of a stable family and the dark of fractured families. The setting is Gothenburg on the eve of the twentieth century the millennium.
In amongst this is a cruel and sadistic killer who is stalking couples. I found it slow going at the beginning but the pace did pickup. In the end it was a satisfying read. As with many good stories a twist happened at the end. Although I thought that is was coming there were enough red herrings to steer me away.
I am now back tracking to the first in the series.