I have been using WordPress since about version 1.5 for the most part I am self-taught. I manage this and 2 other blogs. Two are self hosted and one is a worpress.com blog. This has come about as I read early on in the piece that a blog needs a focus. This one is primarily about what I read and some occasional holiday photos.
The other self hosted blog sentimentalaboutwood.com.au has a focus on my woodworking hobby and renovation projects. The third is an occasional rant blog superviz.blog.
In all of this I have toyed with and experimented with WordPress and not really broken anything. Plugins and themes have come and gone and WordPress has continued to improve making the blogging experience easier.
So to come to the point I recently came across a WordPress tutorial on Lynda.com hosted by a guy called Morten Rand-Hendriksen. I have to say its been quite illuminating . From basics that I hadn’t really cared about to some very easy and clever ways to customise the look and feel of a site. I can recommend this as a way to increase your knowledge about WordPress.
I know that there are many resources on the web for WordPress but this is a good grounding.